02 August 2019

What is your human factor?

Why do you have a business? Why did you work so hard to overcome so many challenges, and what keeps you going?

It’s not just because you want to be the boss or  get rich since starting a business is like setting fire to a pit full of $100 bills.

No, it’s for what I call the #humanfactor.

I have put a lot of thought into mine for a while now, never really being able to put my finger on it. Public relations, photography, advertising, journalism, crisis management… Even though I love what I have spent 20 years perfecting, practising and studying, it always felt like something was off, I felt like a salt-water fish swimming in a lake. Ask any mermaid, or fisherman if you prefer, if water is JUST water. Besides salinity, if the pH is off by a one single point, everything dies.

So what would be the pH balancing factor to my ocean? Women. I have always wanted to make them beautiful, help them, inspire them and now, I would create work for them.

Once I was hit by this revelation, everything fell into place and I started doing my business plan, website and branding like a possessed artist creating the work of a lifetime on a single Starbucks sponsored sleepless night. And just like that, my impact business and digital agency KROWD KONNECTION was born. Of course, we create strategies, social media content and events with influencers for our AAAAMAZING clients, but we also have a superpower: we hire women who need a break from immigration challenges, domestic violence or mental health issues. You know the one? The girl with a gap in her resume that nobody wants to hire. The woman who just immigrated here with 4 kids and who needs that FIRST job in Canada to start her new life?

That one!

Once hired, we teach her the basics of social media and marketing and she becomes part of the social media management team. The process is a lesson in perseverance and humility for all of us and sets the tone for the company culture. That generosity radiates and lights everything up, from the delivery man to our very dedicated clients. It’s contagious.

But enough about me, what about you?


What is your #humanfactor?

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